What was once green field with a small stream has been carefully and creatively turned into a little piece of paradise. The idea is to bring together a variety of plants and animals in a relatively small area, where people can learn about them, and appreciate them.
The park has a wildflower section supporting such flowers as the Ragged Robin and the Kidney Vetch. There is a native tree area, where the progress of trees such as oak and larch can be monitored. The marshy area around the pond will develop with time its own natural fauna, the pond itself has been planted with some species, such as the Water Lily. We hope by providing a tranquil place, some native animals will also use the park. Various birds have been sighted, e.g. the beautiful Kingfisher is visible in the evenings, trout come into the pond from the stream, and Water Hens have been seen nesting in the long rushes near the pond.
A walk around the park only takes 10 minutes, but if you stop to take a look in detail, read all the information, take in the peace that nature affords you, you could spend hours here. Sit and listen to the sounds of nature.
You can also take part in the Wetlands Challenge.
Relax and enjoy. It’s there for you.